Our Thanks for an Amazing 2023

Hello friends!

We hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. We wanted to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude for your unwavering support and monthly contributions to Zera. Your generosity has been instrumental in furthering our mission, and we cannot thank you enough for your dedication.

Your support plays a vital role in enabling us to make a difference in the lives of many individuals. I want you to know that your contributions are not just financial; they are a testament to your belief in our mission and the impact we can have on the world. Your commitment is truly inspiring, and we are incredibly grateful for your partnership.

We are thrilled to share with you some exciting updates on the work Zera is currently involved in. For ministry year 2023-2024, we at Zera are working to help launch Foundation Christian Church, a campus church at Oakland University led by Kyle Vens. Campus ministry holds immense importance as it provides a platform to reach young minds and hearts with the message of God’s love. By establishing a church on the university campus, we are creating an intergenerational space where the next generation can explore their faith, find key spiritual support, and grow in their relationship with God. Your support has been instrumental in making this vision a reality, and we are excited about the impact it will have on the lives of students at Oakland University and beyond as students graduate and move on to their next season in life. Supporting young leaders like Kyle in the work of cultivating a new initiative to help people who feel far from God become mature followers of Jesus is at the heartbeat of all we do, and we are excited to share more with you about this!

Additionally, we continue our support of helping establish Free Bird Initiative. Zera has been working closely with Shannon Sloan, the director of this incredible initiative, to help survivors of human trafficking. Through life skills training and ongoing support, we aim to empower these survivors to rebuild their lives and find hope for the future. We are thrilled to share that one survivor recently passed her driver’s test, a significant milestone on her journey towards independence. This achievement fills our hearts with joy and reinforces the importance of the work we are doing together.

Even now, we are already finding interested individuals and teams who are looking for Zera’s help in establishing their new ministry for next year as well! We have been approached by three young leaders with impactful visions, and are already prayerfully considering who we will partner with in 2024-2025. The fields are ripe for harvest, and we are grateful to be talking with those who are willing and wanting to work to grow God’s Kingdom!

None of this would be possible without your consistent prayers and support. Your belief in our mission and your commitment to making a difference have been a constant source of encouragement for us. We are deeply grateful for your partnership, and we want you to know that your contributions are making a significant impact on the lives of those we serve.

As we continue our work, we promise to keep you updated on the progress and the lives being touched through our ministry. We are excited to share more stories of hope and transformation with you in the future.

May God bless you abundantly for your kindness and compassion,

With sincere gratitude,

Amanda Kozlowski & Cam Underdown

PS: We would like to extend a special invitation to you to join us on December 17th for an info meeting for Foundation Christian Church at Sarah’s Coffee on Walton Blvd in Auburn Hills at 5pm. This will be an opportunity to hear Kyle Vens share his vision for what the church on campus at OU will look like and accomplish. We would be honored to have you join us and witness firsthand the impact of your support!

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